HomeFront Community Gardens
Community Garden locations
Whitetail Square Garden: This 7,000-square-foot garden is located at the Whitetail Run Apartments in the Heights on Sioux Lane. It offers 50 plots for individuals/families, children and communal use. It also features an herb bed, an Americans with Disability Act-approved bed and a pumpkin patch. Located next to a park, this garden is the primary site for many of HomeFront’s summer events and parties.
Pleasantview Garden: This garden features 20 standing, raised beds for Pleasantview Apartments’ elderly population. Three in-ground community beds were also added in 2014 to offer residents strawberries, potatoes, rhubarb and wildflowers.
Tenants please Fill out an application and submit it to HomeFront if you’d like to have a garden plot.
General public can also rent a plot at the Whitetail Run Garden. Fill out this application for a plot (4 x 4 $40 for the summer). We provide free water and tools to use for gardening!
Volunteer opportunities
HomeFront is always in need of help from the Billings community. There is something for everyone, from basic garden care to leading classes on gardening, nutrition or cooking.
If you have the skills, knowledge and time to share, we welcome your help!
Fill out an application and submit it to HomeFront if you’d like to volunteer in the garden or serve on the Community Garden Advisory Committee.
For questions, concerns, or ideas, please contact Satin at (406) 272-0760, or satinm@homefrontmt.org.